Friday, August 04, 2006

UL Warns Of Entrapment Hazard When Using Automatic Garage Doors:

Although it is often the largest and heaviest piece of moving equipment in a home, many consumers don’t realize the potentially deadly consequences associated with automatic garage doors. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) reported receiving four reports of children being trapped beneath automatic garage doors that were left in a partially opened position. When stopped in this position, activation of the door operator may result in the door initially traveling in the downward direction thus increasing pressure on someone trapped beneath the door. Continued or repeated activation of the door, particularly when in a panic state, may not result in the immediate reversal of the door to the open position, particularly if the door operator in not properly maintained.

UL recommends that automatic doors be left only in the fully open or fully closed positions and never in a partially open or closed position. Walking or crawling under a partially opened door creates a potential entrapment hazard. “Garage doors weigh as much as 600 pounds and can cause serious injury or even death if they’re not used with care,” says Barbara Guthrie, UL consumer affairs director. “Although UL listed residential garage door openers manufactured since 1993 have enhanced anti-entrapment safety features, homeowners Should not take safety for granted, “Ms. Guthrie adds. “If entrapment occurs, remain calm, and call for help from your local fire department.”

To reduce the risk of severe injury or death: Read and follow all instructions. Never let children operate or play with door controls. Keep remote control away from children. Always keep the moving door in sight and away from people, pets and objects until completely closed. No on should cross the path of a moving door.

Test the door operator monthly. The garage door must reverse on contact with a 1-1/2 inch high object ( or a piece of two-by-four lumber laid flat) on the floor. If the door doesn't stop and reverse after contact with the object, disconnect the operator and use the door manually until the operator is replaced or repaired by a qualified and trained technician.
When possible, use the emergency release only when the door is closed. Use caution when using this release with the door open. Weak or broken springs are capable of increasing the rate of door closure and increasing the risk of severe injury or death. Keep garage doors properly balanced. See owner’s manual. This information is provided by Underwriters Laboratories Incorporated.

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